Friday, 14 January 2011

Prof knows best

On Wednesday Professor Barrett Lee said he never wanted to see me again. I'm not gonna take it personally coz it now means I'm cancer free!

We had a good old natter about how life will never be the same again , I've been through a lot physically and mentally, and how to come up with strategies for what may don next - like going back to work.

But what we talked most about was my commitment to do this 1/2 marathon. Now some of you out there have severe doubts about whether I should be doing this - Prof knows best and this is what he said.

1- it will make my bones stronger so I am less likely to get osteosprosis
2- it will not increase my risk of the cancer returning
3- the endorphins will make me feel better and help with the early onset menopause
4- my sleep pattern will eventually return and this will help
5- don't drink too much before the start as the loo facilities aren't good , use the bushes if you need to
6- you will be surprised how many people come out to support, there's a real party atmosphere to it

And his final words were - other people will not understand what you've been through, don't try to manage or worry about their fears or dreads. Get on with life and enjoy everyday.

So, I'm following Doctors orders and I suggest you do the same :)

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