Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011-whatever next!

After an early night and no alcohol (very unusual on any day not just New Year Eve) I'm feeling pretty chipper.

The lovely Nell Pugh has yet to present me with my first 10 week plan so I dusted off the wii fit to see how my weight and bmi is doing. After telling me I haven't used the machine for over 300 days and having a technology chuckle to itself the board told me it was time to climb on.

Remember this is not about losing weight! Keep that at the forefront of your mind at all times!!!!

And the winner is ...... 14st 8lb (loss of 9 in a year! And some of that was the tit!!) BMI 36.56 obese ....gosh that's gonna have to change if I want to haul my ass round 13 odd miles !

Result- Wii Fit age 43 which gives me a glimmer of hope.

In the words of Del Boy ' he who dares wins , Rodney'


  1. Post some pictures to go with the blog & then you are committed.

  2. You're doing great, lovely reading, very you! I think in the early days the trick is to just write it for yourself and not give a stuff if anyone else reads it. But they will. I'm incredibly proud of you, makes my endeavours look a bit puny at best! Love it xxx

  3. Oh bloody good on you! I'll be following with bated breath, and wish you all the luck in the world x

  4. U are an absolute star, loves u M, so inspirational xx
