Friday, 25 February 2011

Blah Blah Blah , Cancer , Blah Blah Blah

It was the weekly trip to the GP today always a time of deep joy.

The first things she did was listen to my chest and thought it remarkable that there were only a few crackles.......she then asked if I had my appointment through for the Prof.

9th March - no earlier? - no, why should it be? - because you've had cancer  - yes, and I was only given the all clear on 12th Jan, it was purely in my breast, never spread , didn't need chemo and will just spend 5 years on Tamoxifen - oh I thought he'd see you just like that - er, no. Cancer doesn't work that way. 2 weeks isnt an issue, and I'm a private patient.

Huge sigh from Doctor - I've panicked haven't I ? YES BIG STYLE!

She admitted that she hadn't listened to what I had been telling her about my early tree pollen allergy , she admitted that she didn't look back to see what had happened in previous years and how we've dealt with it.

She just didn't listen .......she saw the C word and panicked!

One thing we have agreed on is another set of antibiotics just to clear up whatever is left, another round of blood tests to see how my aneamia is going and I think she wants to book a CT scan just to be on the safe side......I'm sure I can stall that until I've seen the Prof on the 9th, it seems a waste of resources to me.

I can't exercise for another week so I'm falling further and further behind but dont worry , I can catch up :)

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